Support Staff

Transition Services

In working with even our youngest students, we have their long-term future in mind. Always working towards college and career readiness, we work with students at every grade level on real-world skills that will benefit them no matter what path they choose. Students receive explicit instruction in skills relevant to their specific strengths, talents, and needs. For our high school students, we provide various secondary education preparation experiences as well as internship experiences suited to their preferences and future goals.

For our oldest students, ages 18 – 22, we provide specialized services tailored towards preparation for secondary education, career readiness, and independent living. A school counselor, certified clinician, and special education teacher work together to develop individualized transition programs for these young adults that involve real-world academic skills, access to community college courses, vocational instruction, community skills, and independent living skills (transportation training-buses, trains, taxis).



Hope Academy also offers dual enrollment through Post University to students who meet the requirements to participate.  Students can earn high school and college credits while enrolled at Hope Aademy.  Students attending our after-high school transition program have the opportunity to earn a college Associate's Degree.  Students may also choose another college, approved by the administration, for college dual enrollment.