Hope’s alternative program revolves around a comprehensive plan of education, support and therapy. All students have a primary clinician who coordinates a myriad of individual and group activities, and assists them in making real gains toward reintegration.
Intensive therapeutic services provided are needed to treat the underlying anxiety and/or depression and are performed by a certified clinician using researched based therapies proven successful for effective change. Certified Special Education Teachers that are specialized in this population, work with the student to meet academic requirements.
When the student is READY, Hope is ready to facilitate and support transition! The reintegration process is a collaboration with the student, family, school district, and our providers. Through intensive case management, the reintegration is designed to improve the likelihood of success during the critical social and emotional transitional phase upon completion of this program.
CBT is a common researched-based therapy that focuses on helping the student learn how their thoughts can actually change their feelings and behaviors. A collaborative effort between the clinician and student examine and understand negative thought patterns that are related to emotional and/or behavioral problems. Children are often able to quickly gain insight into the self-defeating thoughts that cloud their everyday lives. They are able to improve their awareness of irrational thought and learn to challenge these core beliefs. Children learn techniques that enable them to reduce their unwanted habits while establishing healthier ways of living. Behavioral strategies like exposure therapies and systematic desensitization are used to treat phobias, obsessive patterns of thinking and compulsive or ritualistic acts.
DBT is a researched-based therapy that is a specific form of cognitive-behavioral therapy. DBT seeks to build upon the foundation of CBT, to help enhance its effectiveness and address specific skills regarding emotional regulation. Core mindfulness skills help students experience emotions in the moment and help students gain a non-judgmental perspective on the world. Interpersonal effectiveness skills are helpful to assist students in problem-solving. Emotional regulation skills give students the tools to identify and label their emotions and increase positive emotional events. Distress tolerance skills focus on radical acceptance, turning the mind toward acceptance, distracting oneself, self-soothing, improving the moment, and thinking of pros and cons.
Teaches powerful concepts designed to help individuals and families dramatically improve the quality of their lives as the pathway to independence.
Parent participation is imperative. It addresses family relationships and promotes positive healthy communication. Discussions include family conflict and problem solving, co-dependency, family roles, and healthy boundaries. Family members are able to identify and process feelings to repair relationships.
The teaching of coping skills provides an opportunity for students to share their individual struggles and get feedback from their clinician and teacher. Specific topics can include assertiveness, communication, conflict management, relaxation techniques, and distorted thinking.
With their clinician, students will explore identity, self-esteem and relationships. Therapy approaches can teach student skills that can last a lifetime.
"Alternative to Homebound" for students that are anxious and/or depressed that have excessive absences due to their difficulties navigating in a larger environment.
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